Monday, December 12, 2005

Reindeer 3

Reindeer come from northern Scandinavia and Russia. Most of the Reindeer raised in the United States are very docile because they are inconstant contact with humans and possibly even other animals. Here the reindeer have a greater average lifespan because they are given the right medicines if they get sick and do not face the risk of a limited food supply. That doesn't mean they won't miss home, though.

Reindeer 2

Prancer, a 5-year-old, is a male. You can tell by the third antler, called a shovel, coming from between his two main antlers. This is used to protect his snout when fighting or gathering food. Prancer's shovel is shorter than most because he was neutered, which leads to slower shovel growth.

Reindeer 1

There were reindeer at Frederik Meijer Gardens on Dec. 10. This one is Noel, a two-year-old.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas tree hunt 5

Big horses come around with wagons full of people every so often.

Christmas tree hunt 4

Church's workers shaking and baling trees.

Christmas tree hunt 3

Interesting things on the farm.

Christmas tree hunt 2

I found a tree. So did Hayden, Grandpa, and Grandma.

Christmas tree hunt 1

We went on the annual Christmas tree hunt at Church's tree farm in Grant.